Celebrating Wins

When was the last time you patted yourself on the back for all you have accomplished recently? We find it so hard to stop and celebrate our wins but it’s something we need to do more. If we aren’t going to be our own cheerleader, who will be?

We either don’t stand still long enough to realise how far we have come, or we do and worry that people might think we “love ourselves”, like that’s a bad thing that we have self esteem and we are proud of ourselves for our achievements! If we don’t have gratitude for what we have achieved, then the universe will not send us any more of the good stuff… and we will spend all our life chasing happiness and never feeling fulfilled.

This is something I have been working on myself. I am really proud of how I’ve stopped staying small and created this page for positive content to help lift our community. I’m loving the creative side and it’s helping to feed my soul. A friend said to me recently that by me sharing and being honest & authentic with my issues, it makes others feel not so alone with theirs. In that moment I felt proud and wanted to celebrate my win. Even if a post touches one person, I have done my job. One person creates a ripple effect…

What can you do this week to step into your power and celebrate where you are in life?


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